I want to assure clients that my agency takes measures to hire responsible and
trustworthy people.
I want to assure clients that my agency’s staff will honor their preferences about tasks and interaction.
I want to assure clients that my agency supervises and supports its staff.
This web site is for you. We’ll walk you through every step of the process from:
• Screening and interviewing prospective employees;
• Creating a clear and precise description of your clients’ preferences so you can advise your staff, and
• Setting up a feedback system so you can supervise your staff effectively.
Don’t worry—it’s not hard. Our detailed checklists direct
your attention to things that matter most: your clients’ safety and comfort. You can use the checklists to ask clients
how they want your staff to approach tasks and offer assistance. The checklists will tell you precisely what your staff should
do and how they should do it to please your clients.